Every nutrition graduate and future RD should have these 7 crucial resources as you’re starting your dietetic internship.
Dietetic internship essential survival guide for new RDs
Over the years, I’ve gotten a lot of questions from the grad students I teach about how they should prepare to survive a dietetic internship.
Recent nutrition grads want to know how to apply a DI. Interns want to know what they need to prepare for the RD exam. Everyone wants to know what their clinical nutrition rotations will be like.
This is list of essentials will answer these questions. It’s a collection of almost everything I would be using, if I was just starting out in nutrition.
These resources will support you from the time you start getting ready to apply for your internship to the moment you’re about to begin your clinical rotations. This RD essential prep guide also includes the most important items you’ll need to write excellent nutrition notes that will impress your preceptors – AND how to do it in style.
The All Access Dietetics Get Matched course
For recent nutrition grads, the Get Matched Course from All Access Dietetics is by far the most valuable thing on this list. When you’re ready to start building an incredible application that will land you an internship on your first try. Use the code MATCHME for 20% off.
Getting matched is stressful and unpredictable. This course is like having someone walk you through the entire process and hold your hand from start to finish. I promise you, it’s going to save you all kinds of anxiety.
Sign up for the Get Matched course HERE. (Don’t forget to use your 20% off code MATCHME).
Clinical Nutrition Resource bundle for your dietetic internship
Looking for a ways to remember everything you need to remember in your dietetic internship? The Essentials: Clinical Nutrition Resource bundle is Nutrition Cheat Sheet’s best selling set of handouts designed especially for new dietitians and interns.
Forget trying to memorize everything you’ll think you need during your clinical rotation. This bundle makes sure you have everything important, right at your fingertips. All the calculations, lab work and other protocols that go into medical nutrition therapy are laid out in each handout. Everything is set up in a clear, straightforward manner that makes everything you need easy to find and simple use.
Grab The Essentials: Clinical Nutrition Resource bundle HERE.
Diet Order Quick Course for dietetic internship
This little course is for new interns who are suddenly realizing that writing diet orders can be complicated. Surviving a dietetic internship can suddenly feel impossible when something as basic as writing a diet order becomes a challenge.
This Diet Order Quick Course, solves that problem. After about 30 minutes, you’ll have everything you need to produce diet orders that will wow your preceptors. You’ll have worked your way through real-life case studies, and you’ll be feeling confident about writing your nutrition notes. Your preceptors will definitely notice the change!
Enroll in the Diet Order Quick Course HERE.
A lab coat for dietetic internship
During clinical rotations, you’re going to need a good lab coat. You want one with a professional length (skip the short lab coats!) and a structure that makes you feel well put together. But it’s really pockets that are non-negotiable. You’ll soon be walking through units with at least 3 pens, patient notes, a handful of snacks and at least 1 bottle of Ensure. All that stuff will end up in the pockets of your lab coat.
Some folks like to keep 2 on hand. One stays in the office and the other can go home to be washed — so COVID stays in the facility where it belongs.
IDNT Reference Manual
This book isn’t a necessity, but when you’re writing PES statements it’s sure great to have around. It’s one of those things I didn’t know the value of until I was staring at a computer screen, praying another PES statement would magically write itself for me.
The IDNT Reference Manual: Standard Language for the Nutrition Care Process has saved me countless times. There are extensive PES examples divided into easy to use categories. You can mix and match those examples until you find a combination that works for your patient’s unique circumstances.
Pro tip: Once you write a killer PES statement, save it. Use it again with the next patient who has similar MNT needs. Having a solid, re-usable collection of PES statements will help you push through your clinical rotations to survive your dietetic internship.
Dietetic internship weekly planner
This weekly planner by JSTORY is the one thing I own that gets the most attention. No matter where I am, someone always asks me if they can look at it and wants to know where it comes from. I always keep it on me for quick notes that I can jot down quickly with the pen I’ve always got in my hand. It’s also great for simple weekly to-do’s that aren’t time specific.
It’s small, lightweight and has a whole lot of space to write. It slides easily into a lab coat and is easy to flip through for quick references. The days of the week make it easy to remember when each idea was written down.
I’m also a productivity app junkie. But there’s something about this planner that makes me keep coming back, year after year.
An amazing face mask for your dietetic internship
Because dietitians are usually the dopest group in the hospital, it only make sense our face mask represents that dopeness. Face masks have been elevated to fashion status. When you’re start your clinical rotation, you’re going to need a mask that sets you apart – and stays in the office.
Something like this banana mask, this avocado mask, or this one (if you’re feeling cheeky) can go a long way to keeping you safe during rounds. They might also turn you into most popular mask-wearer at your facility.
And That’s It!
When you’re starting out, it’s hard to know where to focus your time and attention.
This list of 7 essentials, I hope will get you thinking a little more about what’s actually important as you move through your dietetic internship and on to the RD exam.
Want even more to help in clinical?
Check out The Nutrition Cheat Sheets Shop for all the nutrition education and clinical resources that will make your life easier.