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Get Matched to your dream dietetic internship

Want an over 90% shot at matching with a dietetic internship on your first shot? Then you want the All Access Dietetics Get Matched Course. Use the code MATCHME at checkout for 20% off!

Get matched to your perfect dietetic internship

Let’s just start with this:

RD2Be who work with All Access Dietetics maintain an over 90% dietetic internship acceptance rate. And that’s with graduates getting their top picks

NO ONE else is getting these kinds of results. I definitely didn’t have that kind of guarantee as I was scrambling through my application. This is the only thing I’ve seen that takes the level of stress in applying to dietetic internships down about ten thousand notches.

Let’s get into the the 7 things the Get Matched Course recommends getting in order, in order to successfully tackle the DICAS application. When you decide to lock it in, use my code MATCHME when you purchase for 20% off the course!

Before you graduate

Start thinking about these first 3 items before you’re out of school.

They’ll be a key part of your application once you graduate, so you want to make sure you’ve got them tight. Thinking about this while you’re still in school can help you set yourself up once graduate. 


You want this to be as good as possible. But you don’t have to be perfect with straight As to land a dietetic internship.

We aren’t talking Harvard admissions here. I DEFINETLY wasn’t a straight A student, but we do want a competitive advantage here.

Programs want to see someone who can do the work. And GPAs, if they don’t do anything else, tells each program whether or not you have a grasp of the basics.

The Get Matched Course makes sure you know exactly how your current grades set you up to land your dream DI. Don’t forget your 20% off with code MATCHME at checkout.

Volunteer and work experiences

Like GPA, you’ve got to start working on this one as soon as possible.

Experience in one or two defined areas gives the appearance that you have a clear direction for your new career. Even if you really don’t. You don’t need to have your entire career mapped out. And you CERTAINLY don’t have to stick to those choices for the rest of your life.

It’s the appearance that matters most. And although it might all be for show, it matters a lot.

Some ideas of volunteer and work experiences:

  • Join your program’s research group
  • Jump on the team arranging the school’s annual nutrition conference
  • Check out local farmer’s markets who might need nutrition presentations
  • Ask around to schools who could use some free education for their students

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding where you want to volunteer or gain work experience. As long as you’re able to go a little deeper than your average “I was the cook at camp last summer” on your resume, you’re on the right track.

Leadership roles

Leadership roles aren’t for everyone. But if you have comfort level for it and can wiggle your way into one, it can be the difference between you and someone else with similar credentials. I’m pretty sure this is what helped me the most.

When I was in grad school, we had a nutrition club that had been around for about a year. There wasn’t much interest in it and there was zero competition for club leadership. I don’t think there was even a vote. I just showed up on election day and threw my hat in for an executive position.

That’s how I became the nutrition club president. And just like that, I had a solid leadership role on my DI application.

If your school doesn’t have a nutrition club, consider starting one (starting a club + running a club, double leadership!). If they already have one with competition you aren’t up for, consider starting something more specific.

Here are some ideas on carving out a leadership role:

  • A club for future dietitian entrepreneurs
  • Set up a nutrition conference (no one has to know how large or successful it was)
  • Formally start a study group. If you give it a name, give everyone in the group a formal role and make it a regular thing, you’ve now chartered something bigger than yourself

All these are wins.

Ready to sign up for the Get Matched Course? Use the code MATCHME at checkout for 20% off.

During the dietetic internship application process

Dietetic internship personal statement

How much would a coach to help you write your personal statement be worth to you? How about full access to someone who can answer all your questions that come up during this process. A professional who can help you narrow down everything you have to say into just the right number of words.

  • Should I highlight work experience in undergrad or my leadership role in grad school?
  • Do I talk about my grades, even though they were a little underwhelming?
  • Should I focus on the goals in the internship and what I want to get out of it?

This is where the Get Matched Course comes in. There are so many things to consider when you’re writing a personal statement. There are so many ways to play it.

Get Matched gives you someone to hold your hand through this entire process. And with 20% off all that support using the code MATCHME, it’s a huge win — especially for those who struggle with the writing part of life.

Dietetic internship resume

You probably already have a resume. But the one you need to stand out during the dietetic internship application process is going to be a little different.

It’s less about the work experience you picked up as that camp counselor in high school, or the part time job you had during undergrad. You want this resume to really highlight the skills showing you’re a team player. Someone truly interested in nutrition, and willing to do the work to make all of that happen.

The Get Matched Course will help you tailor a resume that will highlight as much of your best self as a single page sheet can. Don’t forget your code MATCHME at checkout for 20% off everything.


Your references are the one part of your application that can help give program directors a different side of you. They’ll also reinforce your volunteer and leadership experiences for all the programs you apply to so those reading your application can get a clearer sense of how you will thrive at their program.

Your references should play up your transferable skills and work experiences in a way that will validate your interest in the programs you want the most.

Getting some help wading through all these options is something we all can use a bit of help with. For this reason, the Get Matched Course is again your best choice. Picking the best dietetic internship to apply to is kind of like applying to college. It’s not so much a learned skill as it is about your ability to succeed in that environment.

Ready to sign up for the Get Matched Course? Use the code MATCHME at checkout for 20% off.

And That’s It!

If I could have gone back and hedged my bet getting into a DI with this kind of help, there’s no question I would have been all over it.

And extra 20% off the entire course with code MATCHME would have just been too good to pass up.

Check out this video for a whole lot more answers, straight from All Access. 

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